Inventors helping inventors since 1974.
For the past 50 years, we've been a non-profit group of inventors of all levels who help each other develop, protect, and promote their ideas to become successful. If you're an inventor in central Florida, come see if we can help you too.
Come meet us at Maker Faire and some of our inventors will be showcasing their products:
Wayne Rasanen, IN10DID, Inc: Advancing Human-Computer Interaction Chording keyboard
David Woods, TECreation Development and Mission Fins by Sherwood Scuba After years of research and development TECreation has finally made the production version of the world's most efficient bipedal swim fins. Now you can see the Mission fins and many of the prototypes that made it happen along with a test tank to show how it works.
Exhibit Zone: Opportunity
Exhibit Space: OA9 (Subject to Change)
Exhibit Number: 24-82