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Ham Radio for Beginners

Ham Radio and Short Wave Listening (SWL) is a great way to explore electronics technology and have fun doing it. Besides being a great hobby, it can lad to an exciting and rewarding career in the fields of Technology, Manufacturing and Education. New hands-on demos and videos, give you a glimpse as to what Engineers do every day on the job

Categories: EducationElectronicsEngineeringHands-On WorkshopManufacturing


Ken Vanslette

Ken Vanslette

Ham radio is a great hobby and a life long passion. I started out in Grade school building radio kits, and listening to far away shortwave stations. I was hooked. I studied engineering at University and eventually got a Ham Radio license. There are so many exciting careers in the ever growing fields of Engineering, Manufacturing and Education. Explore what Engineers and Technologists do every day on the job.