Homeschool Programs

Are you interested in bringing the maker movement into your homeschool education program? Check out the offerings from The Maker Effect Foundation including Maker Faire Orlando, MakerFX Makerspace and more.

The Maker Effect Foundation

The Maker Effect Foundation is a 501(c)3 public charity that exists to activate and amplify the efforts of makers as they learn, build and work together in their communities. As part of our mission, we produce Maker Faire Orlando, we operate MakerFX Makerspace in South Orlando and we work with educators and educational institutions throughout Central Florida.

Maker Faire Orlando

Maker Faire Orlando is a community-organized, family-friendly celebration featuring local do-it-yourself science, art, rockets, robots, crafts, technology, music, hands-on-activities, and more. It’s an event where people show what they are making and share what they are learning.

Homeschool educators receive free admission to Maker Faire Orlando 2024. This admission discount is limited to one homeschool educator per household. Other family members should take advantage of advance purchase discounts by purchasing tickets online.

To receive free homeschool educator admission to Maker Faire Orlando, please bring a state-issued photo id and documentation of homeschool status (see below) to the ticket booth at the entrance to the event where you will be given a wristband for entry.

Documentation types allowed:

Please subscribe to our Homeschool email newsletter (and add to your contacts) so that you can stay informed on event information, special offers, and any updates to the check-in process.

Each year we curate (in the month before the event) a special set of Maker Faire Orlando exhibits that are targeted for educators. If you can’t see everything at Maker Faire, you can use this list to prioritize! Many of these exhibits are created by educators, or these makers have indicated they are willing to help educators.

If you have additional questions about our programs for Homeschool educators, email us at